Monday, 13 April 2015

Term 2 Te Reo Pakeha Maori Myths and Legends .....

Welcome back to Term 2 where we will be focusing on Maori Myths and Legends, we will also be working with narrative, identifying the features of a narrative in our reading, and writing our own narratives.

This term we will be focusing on Maori Myths and Legends, beginning with the creation story of Rangi and Papa, Hinenuitepo and Maui. We will be reading as a whole class and independently. We will be learning to identify the structure of a narrative, eg, orientation, complication and resolution. During this unit you will have to write one narrative, you can choose to write your own, rewrite a myth or legend in your own words, or change the ending or characters in one of the myths to make it your own.

Prior Knowledge.

What is a narrative?

What is the purpose of a narrative?

What is the orientation and what information might we find in an orientation?

What is a complication?

What is a resolution?

A book entitled ‘The Worlds Deadliest Snakes’ or ‘A History of Surfing’ is a narrative? True or False? Why?

Let's begin with the creation story.......long, long ago when the earth and sky were joined as one....

Read the story . Ranginui and Papatuanuku and answer the quizz.