This term we will be focusing on Maori
Myths and Legends, beginning with the creation story of Rangi and Papa,
Hinenuitepo and Maui. We will be reading as a whole class and independently. We
will be learning to identify the structure of a narrative, eg, orientation, complication
and resolution. During this unit you will have to write one narrative, you can
choose to write your own, rewrite a myth or legend in your own words, or change
the ending or characters in one of the myths to make it your own.
Prior Knowledge.
What is a narrative?
What is the purpose of a narrative?
What is the orientation and what information
might we find in an orientation?
What is a complication?
What is a resolution?
A book entitled ‘The Worlds Deadliest
Snakes’ or ‘A History of Surfing’ is a narrative? True or False? Why?
Let's begin with the creation story.......long, long ago when the earth and sky were joined as one....
Read the story . Ranginui and Papatuanuku and answer the quizz.